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110 survive sinking

110 survive sinking

A major maritime disaster has been averted off the Philippines after the majority of passengers aboard a sinking ferry were rescued.

However, at least 29 people are reported missing after the 1,865-gt ro-pax Maharlika II (built 1984) sank in bad weather on Saturday.

Reports say the government-owned vessel, which had sailed Lipata Port for Liloan Port to the south, lost steering due to rough seas.

Coast Guard officials said search and rescue efforts continued into Sunday as it was uncertain how many passengers and crew had been aboard the ship.

The Philippines has an appalling record when it comes to the safety of its inter-island ferry network.

Frequent storms, badly maintained vessels and weak enforcement of safety regulations have been blamed for past accidents.

One of the worst incidents came in 1987 when the ferry Dona Paz sank after colliding with a fuel tanker, killing more than 4,300 people.

    News Group   :   News Date    :   2014/09/17 ساعت    :   10:09:03
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